
Good idea kevin - Jumbo size

drawings by beigbeig

The other day, i uploaded stuff on youtube, and i think it's an awesome idea.. don't know why we never did that before.. i think it's because most people dont upload their shits themselves, they have fans doing it for em.. back in the days of bsbtrgdclub, we've had 2 or 3 tracks uploaded by fans.. every times we were super happy to see that somebody loved our shit to the point of  uploading it on youtube.. idk.. there is just millions of youtubes of every snoop dogg tracks or something..fans, they just love snoopy's stuff and upload it on youtube to get more views..(?who does that?) anyway.. i'm going to put all bsb's stuff also, so go check out my profile youtube, i'ts been up since 2007! im very proud of that.. on  my channel, i get more views with some videos from a online graffiti game where i owned some people's wildstyle pieces with ghetto throwup style shits of mine and players they leave me comments like '' eat shit and crap'' go chek it out! its awesome and the background is sick.

Good idea kevin - Jumbo size

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