
Fucking dangerous

Dear blog, working full-time is killing me... Sometimes i think about it and i'm like ''wtf i don't understand what im doin this is crazy me no life work all the time die soon'' .. i suppose everybody deals with that, but.. this is really affecting me.. One guy at work is fuckin depressive, and it pisses me off when i see somebody depressed or ''not feeling''.  I want to be depressed too.. this looks so easy.

Btw, hit me in the face with a legendary weapon and make me bleed or something, i can honestly say that the ptero dynam clip is not coming up well... this is way harder than i expected and and it takes a lot of time to do it, lol this will be out this summer and i don't know, maybe we'll be faster at doing more clips in the future.  Everybody except me and le chat are moving together this summer in a sick appart and for sure, me and my girlfriend will move somewhere close, because living far away from your bros sucks.
Good idea kevin! - toys memories by GOOD IDEA KEVIN!


Laser quest

Keeping up the weekly bloggin, i'm smoking a joint with my girlfriend at the moment, and we just got back from the pet shop with shrimps and fish and stuff.. Believe it or not, i happen to run what we call a ''shrimp tank''... it's in fact a fish tank, but if you put only shrimps and stuff in it you call it a shrimp tank...! (awesome?)  I got some pregnant red cherry shrimp right now, so i bought this huge piece of wood you can put in your tank, there's holes and cracks in it, shrimps loves to hide in it and chill and lay their eggs and stuff...  Soon, the females are going to lay their eggs somewhere in the tank(hopefully in my 9.45 dollard piece of wood), larvae are gonna come out, become baby shrimp and then get out of the hideout to eat bigger stuff than little cave fungus shit or some microspopic rest of crap.  It's going to be fuckin awesome..! (i feed them frozen fishes..check this out)

Good idea kevin is awesome! nobody really know who we are, we still have a lot of promo work to do!  lol last week i said i was going at Al's place to work on shit and stuff but i forgot we were supposed to go to Laser quest with a bunch of old friend for Al's sister's birthday! i was ultra sick lol i never played that before, i don't even play first person shooter games or stuff like that ..like war games or something... But it took me only one second to be completely in the game, i was following Al in combat formation and was yelling and crying and shooting everywhere .. and getting killed all the time.. here's my scores, seriously those are the lowest you can get.


Street cred

Photo and stickers by beigbeig

Dear blog, wassup..!  crazy week.. and i dont know why im sayin that because i also work tomorrow (at 8:00am) but i already got the (friday night) fever...  I can pretty much say that i hate working.. and as some of you may know, i did not work for 2 years during the golden days of bsbtrgdclub, so working for me is still a everyday struggle.. i just feel that if i want, i can just fuck everything up and do nothing and just lock myself up in my appartment for 2 years.. but.. you know.. maybe i'm more mature or something (i certainly dont feel that way..but yeshhsh..) i know that you have to work to get money.. its pretty much the only way so..  it's been like 9 month now that i'm working full time at this same place, and it's not a shitty job like working in restaurants or something... but it's not what i want to do in life, that's for sure.. and school is not an option.. everything i love doing, you can, but you don't have to go to school to learn it.. it's prety much street cred stuff.  Plus, i hate school and have no motivation... i like skateboarding and drawing and music and being myself all day.  
Tomorrow, i hit Al's place up, we're going to work on some shits and chill, and then, all weekend i work on the ptero dynam video.. which is coming up great.. i draw almost everyday..trying stuff and working on ideas... this thing will be (i hope) done before the ressurection of jesus.  Check the blog everyday for updates.


Purple ribbon all star - Kryptonite (good idea kevin ''on est fouttu mec'' remix)

drawing by beigbeig
 Well.. kryptonite dont really kill superman but weaken him so you really got a good advantage in battle.  Maybe a kryptonite katana or kryptonite laser satellite bullet or something.
Last night i created the good idea myspace..! i was noob with the new myspace, but liked it.. you can add more songs to the player.. and it looks like there is still a myspace scene...i'm not sure how to update old myspaces.. but creating a new one was sick... here is a printscreen off the new Tom (blake griffin??):
it did not worked.. we have to add him first.. i did it but he have to accept...who is this guy


Good idea kevin - red anaconda and raccoon face

drawing by beigbeig

Dear internet, i'm super happy to see you again!  i changed my ''internet service'', quitting videotron for Bell, but the new connexion was all fucked up.. it was supposed to be good on feb 15th, but the guy at the Bell shop did everything wrong... mistakes everywhere on the invoice:  name and adress wrong, the codes they use for modem internet stuff were never really created/assiged to our modem.. nothing working.  We ended up going back to the shop, redo everything from the beggining.. and wait for today.. they were supposed to install it between 8am to 5pm, but i think they did it at 4:30 or something... bastards ass face shit lick suck.  
Today i give u the mediafire link for red anaconda and raccon face, this song is crazy, all the samples are sick, and the drop coming from nowhere is awe.  Still, you can listen to every songs on our soundcloud page, and this is the first spot we update if we upload something new.. of course, i recommend checking the blog everyday also.

Good idea kevin - red anaconda and raccoon face