
Laser quest

Keeping up the weekly bloggin, i'm smoking a joint with my girlfriend at the moment, and we just got back from the pet shop with shrimps and fish and stuff.. Believe it or not, i happen to run what we call a ''shrimp tank''... it's in fact a fish tank, but if you put only shrimps and stuff in it you call it a shrimp tank...! (awesome?)  I got some pregnant red cherry shrimp right now, so i bought this huge piece of wood you can put in your tank, there's holes and cracks in it, shrimps loves to hide in it and chill and lay their eggs and stuff...  Soon, the females are going to lay their eggs somewhere in the tank(hopefully in my 9.45 dollard piece of wood), larvae are gonna come out, become baby shrimp and then get out of the hideout to eat bigger stuff than little cave fungus shit or some microspopic rest of crap.  It's going to be fuckin awesome..! (i feed them frozen fishes..check this out)

Good idea kevin is awesome! nobody really know who we are, we still have a lot of promo work to do!  lol last week i said i was going at Al's place to work on shit and stuff but i forgot we were supposed to go to Laser quest with a bunch of old friend for Al's sister's birthday! i was ultra sick lol i never played that before, i don't even play first person shooter games or stuff like that ..like war games or something... But it took me only one second to be completely in the game, i was following Al in combat formation and was yelling and crying and shooting everywhere .. and getting killed all the time.. here's my scores, seriously those are the lowest you can get.